Welcome to
ICAAAIML-2020: International Conference on
Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The conference is an international forum which aims to bring together
leading academician, researchers and research scholars to exchange and
share their experiences and hard-earned technological advancements and applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
We invite all leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from across the world to submit their original research articles. We warmly welcome all authors to submit your research papers to ICAAAIML-2020 , and share their valuable experiences with the research community. It is planned to publish the peer reviewed,accepted,registered and presented papers of conference as proceedings with Springer in their prestigious Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering series (https://www.springer.com/series/7818).
Paper Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icaaaiml2020
THEME : Artificial Intelligence ,Machine Learning and their
The idea of the conference is to bring the scholars, scientists, industrialists from all over the world in the IT industry to a common platform and achieve the following:
Professor, University of CapeTown,South Africa
University of Craiova, Romania
Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Senior Director, (Scientist G) and Group Coordinator R&D in IT and Digital India Corporation, India
Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Professor, Trakya University, Turkey